Monday, 28 December 2009

comic caffe

I am at Japanese manga kissa-comic caffe. It is a caffe with internet, games, comics, magazines and dvd. There are few ways for payment like hourly, or till 6hours, etc...(you can get free drinks and order food too!). There are public seats to private seats and also for couple seats. The place is open ed for 24-7 and sells tooth brush, contact lense cleaner, face wash and so on. Yes, some places even have a shower, how odd....

This place has been my favorite place since I was young. I don't use for staying over night but I go there often to use internet and read my favorite comics. When I was young, I used had over 100 comics but it is quiet expensive to afford all the series. For example, one comic approximately cost 3pounds, so if I want to read Naruto series(total 46comics), I have to pay 139pounds?! However, when I go to comic caffe, I only need to pay 3pounds per hour or cheaper.

This place is like heaven for nerds!!!

UK should built such a caffe like all the UK geeks including me would be more than happy.

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